The Office de l’Aviation Civile et des Aeroports (OACA) has contracted Intelcan to provide three ILS (Instrument Landing Systems) with co-located DMEs (Distance Measuring Equipment). The ILS/DME systems will be installed at the International Airport of Tunis-Carthage (AITC) and International Airport of Tozeur Nafta (AITN).
Intelcan will be supplying its SKYNAV ILS N8000 and SKYNAV DME N9000 to provide Category II operations. The SKYNAV RCMS (Remote Control and Monitoring System) including RCU (Remote Control Unit), RSU (Remote Status Unit) and RMM (Remote Maintenance and Monitoring) application ensure that air traffic controllers and technical staff alike will have instant access to system status information and control features from any location. SKYNAV ILS/DME/RCMS are the most modern navigational aids on the market and use leading edge technologies to ensure superior performance and long-term maintainability.